Breastfeeding After A Caesarean Tips

Read these 5 Breastfeeding After A Caesarean Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Caesarian tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What are some tips for breastfeeding after a Caesarean?


If you received an epidural during your caesarean, it will be difficult to breastfeed immediately after. The medications in the epidural actually soften your nipples, making it difficult for your baby to latch on.

What are some tips for breastfeeding after a Caesarean?

How Long Will It Take?

It might take a little while longer for your milk to come in after a caesarean compared to those who have had a vaginal birth.

What are some tips for breastfeeding after a Caesarean?

Side Lying

Because of your incision, it may be tough to position the baby without hurting yourself. Try nursing from a side-lying position, this will help eliminate any awkward positions.

What are some tips for breastfeeding after a Caesarean?

Nipple Shields

If the medications you are taking are making your nipples so soft that your baby has difficulty latching on, try asking your lactation consultant for a neat little device called a Nipple Shield. It's a plastic cone shaped device that looks like a nipple and fits snugly over yours. This will mimic a hardened nipple and make it easier for your baby to latch on and breastfeed.

What are some tips for breastfeeding after a Caesarean?


After my C-section I found that the medications that I was taking for the pain made it virtually impossible for me to breastfeed. If you are having difficulty breastfeeding and choose to bottlefeed instead, you will have to dry up the milk. A good idea is to place cabbage leaves over your breast for about 2 hours a day. Cabbage contains sulfur which helps to dry up the breast milk.

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Tammi Reynolds