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Caesarian Tip Book
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When Is It Safe?
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How Long Does It Last?
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No Lifting
Getting Out Of Bed Or Sitting Up
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Weakness & Fatigue
Adequate Help
Car Rides
Drinks & Food To Avoid
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Abnormal Results
The Basics
Breastfeeding After A Caesarean
Side Lying
Nipple Shields
How Long Will It Take?
Caesarean Prevention
Educate Yourself
Stay At Home
Talk With Your Doctor
Keep Moving
Your Doctor
Caesarean Risks
Reactions To Anesthesia
Respiratory Complications
Decrease In Bowel Functions
Blood Loss
Longer Hospital Stay
Low Apgar Scores
Fetal Injury
Excessive Mucus
Infant Hypertension
During The Caesarean
Flushing The Uterus
Breaking The Bag Of Waters
Closing The Incision
The Cross Table
The Delivery
A Rare Instance
Tugging & Pressure
The Screen
By Your Side
Having Your Partner With You
Emergency Caesareans
Stay Calm
Your Partner
Umbilical Cord
Emotions After A Caesarean
What Is It?
The Symptoms
What To Do
Who Isn't At Risk?
Who Is At Risk?
Was This A Birth?
Planned Caesareans
Setting A Date
Creating A Birth Plan
Talk To Your Anaesthetist Beforehand
Book Your Operation Early
Breech Presentation
Placenta Previa
Two Or More
Repeat Caesareans
Easier Recovery
Conceiving After Caesarian
How Many Is Safe?
Mother's Choice
Existing Circumstances
Surgery Preparation
When Will You Get One?
Anesthetic Spray
When Will I Need It?
The Drink
Side Affects
How It Is Administered
The Pre-Epidural Sting
Spinal Anaesthesia-How It Is Administered
Spinal Anaesthesia: Benefits
Your Scrubs
Incision Area
The Hospital Stay
Ice Chips
The First Meal
Eating Solids
Removing The IV
Removing The Epidural Or Spinal
Before Walking
Don't Wait
Take It Slow
Don't Look Down
Walk Often
Use A Splint
The Recovery Room
A Check In
Let The Nurse Know
Checking Your Uterus
Checking Vitals
What Are They?
Why Use One?
Taking A Different Route
Finding A Doula
A Magic Touch
What Is A Doula?
Do Some Research
Finding A Doctor
Complete Rupture
Cytotec Induction
Prostaglandin Gels
T-shaped Incisions
What Are The Signs?
The Statistics
More Than One Caesarean
Cephalopelvic Disproporation
Who Shouldn't Have A VBAC?
Why A Caesarean?
The Statistics
Fetal Monitoring
Long Labor
Mother's Age
Failure To Progress
Cord Prolapse
Placenta Previa
Breech Presentation
Genital Herpes
Transverse Position
Your Baby After A Caesarean
Scoring Lower
Extra Mucus
Needing Oxygen
Your Body After A Caesarean
Your Periods
Your Immune System
Your Belly
Retaining Water
Your Incision
A Work Area
Basic Care
The Bandage
Blood Blisters
Taking A Look
Bikini Incision
Is It Infected?
Warning Signs
No Baths
Daily Showers
Swimming After Caesarian
Will I Feel It?
Caesarian Newsletter Archive
Who Is At Risk?
Who Shouldnīt Have A VBAC?
How Many Is Safe?
Basic Care
Creating A Birth Plan
Talk To Your Anaesthetist Beforehand
Caesarian Section Hospital Practices
Precautions After Caesarian Section
Conceiving After Caesarian
Swimming After Caesarian
Your Belly
What Is It?
When Is It Safe?
Let Family Help
Getting Out Of Bed Or Sitting Up
Cytotec Induction
Prostaglandin Gels
Taking A Different Route
The Symptoms
What To Do
Who Isnīt At Risk?
Nipple Shields
Fetal Monitoring
Long Labor
Failure To Progress
A Work Area
How It Is Administered
Who Is At Risk?
Who Shouldnīt Have A VBAC?
How Many Is Safe?
Basic Care
Creating A Birth Plan
Talk To Your Anaesthetist Beforehand
Caesarian Section Hospital Practices
Precautions After Caesarian Section
Conceiving After Caesarian
Swimming After Caesarian
Your Belly
When Is It Safe?
Let Family Help
Getting Out Of Bed Or Sitting Up
Cytotec Induction
Prostaglandin Gels
Taking A Different Route
The Symptoms
What To Do
Who Isnīt At Risk?
Nipple Shields
Fetal Monitoring
Long Labor
Failure To Progress
A Work Area
How It Is Administered
Who Is At Risk?
Who Shouldnīt Have A VBAC?
How Many Is Safe?
Basic Care
Creating A Birth Plan
Talk To Your Anaesthetist Beforehand
Planned Caesareans
Planned Caesareans
Planned Caesareans
Planned Caesareans
Planned Caesareans
Planned Caesareans
Planned Caesareans
Planning a Planned Caesarean
Planning a Planned Caesarean
The First 24 Hours After a Caesarean
The First 24 Hours After a Caesarean
First 24 Hours After a Caesarean
The First 24 Hours After a Caesarean
The First 24 Hours
The Recovery Room
The Recovery Room
The Recovery Room
The Recovery Room
Your VBAC: Using A Doula
Your VBAC: Using A Doula
Your VBAC: Using A Doula
Your VBAC: Using A Doula
Your Recovery
Your Recovery
Your Recovery
Your Recovery
Your Recovery
Your Recovery
Your Recovery
Preventing an Unnecessary Caesarean Section
Preventing An Unnecessary Caesarean
Preventing an Unnecessary Caesarean
Repeat Caesareans
Repeat Caesareans
Repeat Caesareans
Why a Caesarean?
Why A Caesarean?
Why A Caesarean?
Why A Caesarean?
What Your Baby May Experience
What Your Baby May Experience
What Your Baby May Experience
Caesarean Sections: What Are The Risks?
Caesarean Sections: What Are The Risks?
Caesarean Sections: What Are The Risks?
Caesarean Sections: What Are The Risks?
Back Home After Your Caesarean
Back Home After Your Caesarean
Back Home After Your Caesarean
Back Home After Your Caesarean
Recovering From Your Caesarean
Recovering From Your Caesarean
Recovering From Your Caesarean
Recovering From Your Caesarean
Caesarian Depression
Caesarian Depression
Caesarian Depression
Caesarian Depression
Education Can Lead To Prevention
Education Can Lead To Prevention
Education Can Lead To Prevention
Your Body After a Caesarian
Your Body After A Caesarian
Your Body After A Caesarian
Your Body After A Caesarian
Achieving VBAC Success
Achieving VBAC Success
Achieving VBAC Success
Achieving VBAC Success
Achieving VBAC Success
Dealing With Emotions After A C-Section
Dealing With Emotions After A C-Section
Caesarian-tips Newsletter, Issue 10: Dealing With Emotions After A C-Section
Caesarian-tips Newsletter, Issue 9: Dealing With Emotions After A C-Section
Caesarian-tips Newsletter, Issue : 8 Breastfeeding After A C-Section
Caesarian-tips Newsletter, Issue : 7, Breastfeeding After A C-Section
Cesarian-tips Newsletter, Issue 6: Breastfeeding After Your C-Section
Cesarian-tips Newsletter, Issue 4: Breastfeeding After Your C-Section
Caesarian-tips Newsletter, Issue 3: Taking Care Of Your Incision
Caesarian-Tips Newsletter, Issue 3, Recovering During The Holidays
Caesarian-Tips Newsletter, Issue 2, Recovering During The Holidays
Caesarian-Tips Newsletter, Issue 1, Recovering During The Holidays
Caesarian Frequently Asked Questions
What will my belly be like after a caesarean section?
What are some risks of a caesarean section?
What Will My Periods Be Like After A Caesarean?
What are some risks concerning caesarean sections?
What will my immune system be like after a caesarean?
Who is a candidate for VBAC?
What can I expect after my C-section?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
How long does post partum bleeding last?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What happens during a Caesarean?
What is Caesarean Depression?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
When can I resume house cleaning after my Caesarean?
What are some epidural side affects?
When should I plan my Caesarean for?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What are some benefits to a planned Caesarean?
Why would I need a repeat Caesarean?
What are some tips for surgery preparation?
Will my baby need special care after a Caesarean?
What are some risks to my baby during a caesarean section?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
Why would I need a Caesarean?
What are some tips for recovering after my Caesarean?
What are some risks for my baby during a caesarean section?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What are some tips for achieving a VBAC?
How can I care for my incision?
What are some tips for caring for my incision?
What will my six week checkup be like?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What are some risks during a caesarean section?
What are some tips for breastfeeding after a Caesarean?
WHat happens during a caesarean?
What do I do during an emergency Caesarean?
How can I prevent a Caesarean?
When is it safe to exercise after a Caesaeran?
What are the different types of incisions?
What contributes to Caesareans?
Can I have a birth plan for a planned Caesarean?
When is a Caesarean necessary?
How many Caesareans are safe to have?
How can I care for my incision?
Why would I need a repeat caesarean?
How can I prevent a Caesarean?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What are some risks for my baby during a caesarean section?
What are some risks of Caesareans?
How can I prevent a Caesarean?
What are some tips for caring for my incision?
Are nightmares common after a Caesarean?
What are some risks of a caesarean section?
Why would I have to have a planned Caesarean?
What would cause a planned Caesarean?
Why would an emergency Caesarean be required?
What are some risks of a caesarean section?
What complications may my baby experience after a Caesarean?
What are some tips for breastfeeding after a Caesarean?
How can I care for my incision?
Why would an emergency Caesarean be necessary?
What are some risks of a caesarean section?
Will my baby experience complications?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
Why would I need a Caesarean?
How can I care for my incision?
What size will my C-section incision be?
What are some benefits of having a VBAC?
What are the symptoms of Caesarean Depression?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
How can I care for my incision?
Why would a Caesarean be necessary?
What are some tips for a planned Caesarean?
What happens during a Caesarean?
Who is at risk for Caesarean Depression?
How can I care for my incision?
How can I care for my incision?
Can I have a VBAC?
What are some tips on uterine rupture?
How can I care for my incision?
What happens during a Caesarean?
How is a spinal administered?
What are some tips for the recovery room?
How is an epidural administered?
What are some common emotions after a Caesarean?
What are some tips for breastfeeding after a Caesarean?
What contributes to Caesareans?
What are the reasons for Caesareans?
What Is a VBAC?
What are some tips for Caesarean Depression?
What are some benefits of using doulas?
Will my baby get jaundice after a Caesarean?
What are some tips for breastfeeding after a Caesarean?
Why would I want a repeat Caesarean?
What are some common emotions after a Caesarean?
What are some tips for the recovery room?
How can I care for my incision?
Who shouldn´t have a VBAC?
What happens during a Caesarean?
What are some tips for Caesareans?
How can I prevent a Caesarean?
What are the signs of a uterine rupture?
What are some VBAC statistics?
What are some tips for achieving a VBAC?
What are some tips on a VBAC?
What are some tips for breastfeeding after a Caesarean?
When will I get a catheter?
How can I care for my incision?
What are some tips for the recovery room?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What happens during a Caesarean?
Why would a Caesarean be necessary?
When would a Caesarean be necessary?
What are some tips for a planned Caesarean?
What causes uterine rupture?
What causes uterine rupture?
What causes uterine ruptures?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What are some tips for the recovery room?
What are some common emotions after a Caesarean?
How can I care for myincision?
How Can I care for my incision?
What are some tips for the recovery room?
Is disappointment common after a Caesarean?
Why would I have to have an emergency Caesarean?
What are some tips for recovering at home?
How can I prepare for a VBAC?
Where can I find a doula/
What are some emotions after a Caesarean?
When is a Caesarean necessary?
What happens during a Caesarean?
What happens during a Caesarean?
Who isn´t at risk for Caesarean Depression?
What are some tips for recovery?
Will I be drowsy after my Caesarean?
How can I prevent a Caesarean?
What are some tips for surgery preparation?
Will I feel an Epidural?
How can I care for my incision?
How Can I care for my incision?
What are some tips for surgery preparation?
How can I prevent a Caesarean?
What contributes to Caesareans?
Are abnormal pap results normal?
Why would a planned Caesarean be necessary?
What are doulas?
What is a doula?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What are the benefits to hiring a doula?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What will my first meal consist of after my Caesarean?
What will I be offered after my epi is removed?
When will I need an IV?
What happens during a Caesarean?
What are some benefits to a spinal anaesthesia?
emotions after a Caesarean?
How can I prevent a Caesarean?
What are some common emotions after a Caesarean?
What are some tips for recovering from a Caesarean?
What are some tips for walking after my Caesarean?
Will I fell the epidural being removed?
When will my IV be removed?
Will I be allowed to eat after my Caesarean?
What happens during a Caesarean?
What are some tips for the hospital stay?
When will I be allowed a solid meal?
What do I do during an emergency C-section?
What happens during a Caesarean?
Is it safe to go swimming a month after a section? I had no complications and this was a repeat c-section. My lochia is almost completely gone.
Can you tell me how long after a caesarian section it is considered safe to become pregnant again?

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Sheri Ann Richerson