Read these 20 VBAC Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Caesarian tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Who is a candidate for VBAC?

Cephalopelvic Disproporation

If you have been diagnosed with Cephalopelvic Disproporation; it does not necessarily mean that you will have to rule out a VBAC. Many different factors can help you achieve a successful VBAC including smaller weight, head and position.

What are some tips for achieving a VBAC?

Finding A Doctor

Unfortunately, some doctors are closed minded when it comes to VBACs. Some don't believe that a VBAC is a safe choice for any mother, and will often refuse to participate in one. Find a doctor who is willing to help you achieve what you want..a successful VBAC!

Who shouldn´t have a VBAC?

Who Shouldn't Have A VBAC?

Women who fall in the following categories should not attempt a VBAC, as their risk of uterine rupture is higher than those woman who do not fall into any of the categories:

**Has a T-shaped incision
**Has suffered a previous uterine rupture
**Has a contracted pelvis
**If a woman will be delivering where there is no way to perform an emergency Caesarean should the need arise.

What are some tips on uterine rupture?

Complete Rupture

A complete rupture occurs in 1% of women who attempt a VBAC. Women with the classic incision (vertical) are more at risk for a complete rupture.

What causes uterine ruptures?


If you decide on a VBAC, there is a risk of uterine rupture, no matter how minimal, and Pitocin, has more often than not been linked with causing uterine ruptures. Check with your doctor or midwife, do the research and read birth stories about Pitocin being a possible culprit of uterine rupture.

What are doulas?

A Magic Touch

Doulas are wonderful in the delivery room, since they, in an attempt to help you achieve your VBAC goal, can assist you with different birthing positions, massage, the use of heat, and counterpressure.

What are some tips on a VBAC?

Cytotec Induction

Cytotec, a pill which can be administered orally, or inserted vaginally and placed against the cervix, is usually given in quarter doses. The pill works to soften the cervix, just as other cervix softening agents such as Prepidil and Cervidil do. The dangers of this drug, including uterine rupture, pose a possible threat to all women when used as a method of induction. However, for woman attempting a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean), the risk of uterine rupture increases dramatically. One particular study of Cytotec used on VBAC candidates found that eight percent experienced uterine rupture in comparison to the 0.2 percent of other cases where Cytotec was not used.

What causes uterine rupture?

Prostaglandin Gels

On July 5th, the New England Journal Of Medicine released an article about the safety of VBAC. The article stated that the increasing use of labor inducing drugs such as Prostaglandin Gels is causing an increase in uterine ruptures in women attempting a VBAC. Out of 20,000 women, the highest rate of uterine rupture occurred in women who were induced when attempting a VBAC.

What are some tips for achieving a VBAC?

Do Some Research

If you are trying for a succesful VBAC, research, research, research! There is a lot of helpful information out there to help you achieve your goal!

What are the signs of a uterine rupture?

What Are The Signs?

A few of the most prominent signs of a uterine rupture are as follows: drop in fetal heart rate, bulging of the abdomen, recession of the baby's head, severe abdominal pain, and vaginal bleeding.

What causes uterine rupture?

T-shaped Incisions

The risk of uterine rupture increases when a woman has received a T-shaped incision during a prior Caesarian or other operation. For those women with this incision, a VBAC should NOT be attempted.

Where can I find a doula/

Finding A Doula

Once you have made the final decision to hire a doula, you need to start looking for one in your area. DONA (Doulas Of North America) have a referral line you can call at 206-324-5440.

Can I have a VBAC?

More Than One Caesarean

Multiple C-sections does not necessarily mean that a woman wanting a VBAC cannot achieve one successfully. Many women, after having more than one C-section have gone on to achieve a perfectly safe VBAC!

What are some benefits of having a VBAC?

What Are They?

Some major benefits of having a VBAC are no surgery, lower risk of infections and less need for a blood transfusion.

What are some VBAC statistics?

The Statistics

Statistics show that nearly 60-80% of woman who attempt a VBAC after more than one C-section are successful.

What Is a VBAC?


VBAC, which stands for Vaginal Birth After Caesarean, is just that, a vaginal birth after a previous C-section. The old saying "once a C-section, always a C-section" isn't always true, and VBACs are becoming more and more common.

How can I prepare for a VBAC?


If you are planning on a VBAC, ask your doctor if there are any special classes offered. VBAC classes cover the usual labor and birth topics, but also include issues targeted for those attempting a VBAC.

What are the benefits to hiring a doula?

Taking A Different Route

When trying to achieve VBAC success, you naturally want to take the route opposite of the one you took in your previous birthing experience. A doula will sit down with you and give you plenty of different options for alternative measures to some of the things that might have led to your previous C-section.

What is a doula?

What Is A Doula?

A doula is an experienced labor companion who can provide prenatal support as well as labor and post partum support. A doula is there for support through the birthing and delivery process.

What are some benefits of using doulas?

Why Use One?

The benefits of hiring a doula:

50 percent reduction in C-section rate
40 percent reduction in forceps delivery
25 percent shorter labor
40 percent reduction in pitocin use
60 percent reduction in epidural requests
30 percent reduction in analgesia use

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